Year-End Thoughts

Even when times are crappy, and it seems that nothing else could possibly go wrong… Even when you feel like every ounce of energy has been squeezed out of you until you can’t do anything but scream…you HAVE to remember…God is sovereign and he will get you through this. God has blessed us with many wonderful blessings.

Even after I had my goals of working out, meditation and intentional giving last week I still fell short. Last week was pretty crappy, but I know…I know I have SO much to learn. I need to learn to manage stress at work, and those hefty deadlines that drive me insane. I need to learn to be positive and RELAX when I sense the stress levels rising. I need to learn to give it to God and let go when I have done all I can to fix it. I need to learn not to put others in my life to this unattainable standard that I try to put myself to. I need to learn that no on is perfect, and neither am I.

I found out last week that I failed the NCIDQ Interior Design exam that I took last fall. My first reaction was…uggh, I knew it, I knew I wasn’t good enough to pass that exam. It was devastating because I put my life on hold, stressed about it for months and months on end and tried to study as much as I could. I still felt like SUCH a failure. I’m glad that I at least tried. It was just a sinking feeling that gave me a flashback to my high school days when I was such a horrible student and failed at almost everything I attempted. Back then I didn’t care, but now…I do. Now I have so much more determination to succeed and live up to that successful model that I have embedded in my little fairy tale head of mine. I was determined that once I left home, went to college and went on with my career that I would try harder to succeed and go further than I ever did before. Although I’ve come a long ways, the reality is that I still have a long way to go. God is still shaping me and molding me into his perfect plan for my life. The only way I will know and understand what it is, is to draw close to him and seek out HIS will for my life. I know that he needs for me to be still, listen and stop being SO stubborn. Uggh…it can be so hard at times, and I sometimes feel so selfish and ungrateful, even when I know that I have no right to. He has blessed me with so much.

Dan has been rock solid through all my ups and downs. I have to give it to him because I don’t know how he puts up with my breakdowns, negative chatter and impossible standards. He does so much to help me with his understanding, lightheartedness and uplifting words of encouragement. It is a true blessing to have him in my life.

My family and friends are a gift from God. My Mom and little sis never cease to be there for me and show me how much they love and care about me. They bring so much joy to my life, and I am happy to be able to spend time with them on a regular basis. My friend Tara has been there for me this year more times than I can count, and I can’t thank her enough for her friendship and being the shoulder to cry on when things have been tough in my life. Because of my family and friendships, I am so blessed.

I am excited about Christmas and the holidays because I get to take some forced time away from work to relax. This year we are going to the candlelight service at Stonecreek with Dan’s Mom, my Mom, and my little sister Amanda. I’m going to attempt to make a Christmas Eve dinner at our house. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes. =) I have vowed not to stress over it no matter what. If I feel I’m getting frazzled, then we’re going to head to the Chinese restaurant for dinner! After dinner we’re heading over to the see the Ashby’s at the annual Christmas Eve get-together. We will exchange presents and munch on delicious treats all while catching up with each other. It’s one of my favorite parts of Christmas.

It is my hope that each of you are able to find your Christmas cheer and Christmas spirit. To all that reads this, I wish you and your family laughter, joy and happiness this Holiday and into the New Year!


Holiday & weekend thoughts

We had a wonderful time with my Mom and little sister Amanda going to see the lights at Lake Lanier Friday night. We enjoyed roasting marshmallows by the fire and picking out this year’s ornament which has become a family tradition.  These pictures are from my iphone, so they’re not the best of quality.

The nice fire to warm ourselves and roast marshmallows!

The nice fire to warm ourselves and roast marshmallows!

Christmas house at Lake Lanier

Christmas house at Lake Lanier

Roasted Marshmallows

Roasted Marshmallows

Mom and Amanda (with a colorful holiday charactor)

Mom and Amanda (with a colorful holiday charactor)

It was so nice to relax this weekend after such a busy week at work. We enjoyed some hot chocolate as we watched the live nativity scene. It was a great reminder of why we celebrate each and every year. Their arms were raised and they were praising God for our savior. What a beautiful symbol of love.

The Nativity Scene at Lake Lanier

The Nativity Scene at Lake Lanier

Dan and I moseyed around a lot on Saturday. We had my grandparents over for lunch and I made my famous Shepherd’s pie. My grandparents are so wise and we always enjoy the conversations we have with them. It’s always such a joy to spend time with them. Here’s some cute photos from our lazy Saturday afternoon with the pups and some of our holiday decorations.

Santa Summer

Santa Summer

Lizzie trying to show her approval with a kiss, but it was so quick that it went with a blur...

Lizzie trying to show her approval with a kiss, but it was so quick that it went with a blur...

Summer warming herself by the fire

Summer warming herself by the fire

Holiday Decorating

Holiday Decorating

Its a lazy afternoon for Lizzie and her friend

It's a lazy afternoon for Lizzie and her friend

Dan and Summer hanging out

Dan and Summer hanging out

I’m off to a new week at work. Hopefully this one won’t be as stressful as last week. December is a stressful month in general, so I have come up with a plan to control my stress and anxiety.

  1. I will work out at least 5x a week
  2. I will spend time with God, praying, reading the word and journaling my thoughts every day
  3. I will give back at least once a week to someone in need without expecting anything in return
  4. I will attend yoga class at least once a week
  5. I will leave work at work, and remind myself that I do not get my identity solely through my career
  6. I will spend time with my husband and find ways to enrich our relationship

Everyone: Help hold me accountable to this!

Monday Night Ramblings

Here’s to one week in the most beautiful place on earth…and what I’ve learned

  • 9 hr plane rides are much more interesting when you have a great book like Twilight to read
  • Sunset dinner cruises are so romantic…especially when I share it with my incredible husband
  • Driving in a convertible in Hawaii is close to heaven
  • You know that it HAS to be good when you wait for over an hour in the freezing, breezy cold weather to see the most amazing sunrise above the clouds at Mt. Haleakala
  • Snorkeling has a cooler friend…it’s called snuba…and it’s freakin’ awesome! 
  • Swim-up bars combined with water slides with a 200ft drop are dangerous, but exhilarating
  • If you want to see the sunken Carthaginian ship in Lahaina then take the submarine  Atlantis…it is by far the neatest thingand I wasn’t nearly as closter phobic as I thought I would be!
  • A peaceful hike to the twin falls reminds you of God’s presence everywhere
  • Getting a massage here at Grand Wailea puts Massage Envy to shame…big time!
  • Molokai has the highest sea cliffs in the world and the most amazing waterfalls…it brought tears to my eyes.  The only way to see them is by helicopter.  What they don’t tell you is how absolutely terrifying the flights are!
  • Grand Wailea does a mean Thanksgiving Luau
  • There’s nothing better than coming home after a long trip, relaxing in your own bed and snuggling with the best puppies in the world.