January Ran Away

I don’t know where January ran off to.  We’re pushing towards the last week of this month and it’s crazy how fast it has flown by.  Time flies when you’re having fun…isn’t that what they say…sheesh.  This month has been super busy.  We had a wonderful Christmas.  We ate way too much and we spent a lot of time with family.  I cooked my very first Christmas dinner which consisted of Ham, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy, deviled eggs, stuffing, and bread.  It was nice to make dinner for the family and start a new tradition at our house.


Work is a real source of stress in my life right now.  I have always been a hard worker and judged my self worth based on my accomplishments.  My job is no different. This year I have new challenges with larger projects and a chance to lead and really get great experience.  It is a great opportunity, but it is also very difficult for me.  I really want to show my best and succeed, but sometimes that means having to accept that things may not always go as planed (the whole wanting things to be perfect again). I have been praying that God helps me with this so that I can channel my energy in a positive way.  I’ve been told that I can come across as too firm and rigid and I need to work on that.  Those that know me know that I have a fun easy going side that I don’t tend to show at work as much.


On an entirely different note, the past few months I’ve been completely obsessed with the Twilight series.  It started when we went to Hawaii in November and I just needed a book to read.  Then I saw the movie, read the second book, and now I’m on the third.  I told my friend Danielle about this…and she must’ve thought it was a contest or something because she has completely blown by me in reading…to the point where we can’t even talk about it anymore…errr.  She is going to start on the fourth book (Breaking Dawn) soon, and I still need to finish the third book (Eclipse) to catch up.  I haven’t been reading much lately because when I go to bed I’ve been so exhausted that I only want to sleep.  More on that another day.  The book is so intriguing.  It’s not just about a typical love story with mixed in drama.  I love it because it has that mystical quality.  I think most women are attracted to the fact that Edward is completely romantic, but that he is suppose to be dangerous.  Bella, is just a normal but cynical girl with low self esteem, who is intrigued by Edwards romantic but dangerous qualities…then there’s Jacob.  The average Joe.  Okay, I need to start reading again because I miss reading about them!  I don’t want to go into too much detail here for those who haven’t read it yet.


Tomorrow we are hosting our small group at our house.  We have a tough topic to cover…Homosexuality-what the bible says about their lifestyle and how us as Christians should react to their lifestyle.  I have to say that this is a subject that I have a difficult time talking about.  Mainly because I know people that are gay and I am not sure that they choose this lifestyle or if it is genetically the way they are made.  So, we’re going to dig into scripture and see where God leads us.


I hope everyone has a great week!


Holiday & weekend thoughts

We had a wonderful time with my Mom and little sister Amanda going to see the lights at Lake Lanier Friday night. We enjoyed roasting marshmallows by the fire and picking out this year’s ornament which has become a family tradition.  These pictures are from my iphone, so they’re not the best of quality.

The nice fire to warm ourselves and roast marshmallows!

The nice fire to warm ourselves and roast marshmallows!

Christmas house at Lake Lanier

Christmas house at Lake Lanier

Roasted Marshmallows

Roasted Marshmallows

Mom and Amanda (with a colorful holiday charactor)

Mom and Amanda (with a colorful holiday charactor)

It was so nice to relax this weekend after such a busy week at work. We enjoyed some hot chocolate as we watched the live nativity scene. It was a great reminder of why we celebrate each and every year. Their arms were raised and they were praising God for our savior. What a beautiful symbol of love.

The Nativity Scene at Lake Lanier

The Nativity Scene at Lake Lanier

Dan and I moseyed around a lot on Saturday. We had my grandparents over for lunch and I made my famous Shepherd’s pie. My grandparents are so wise and we always enjoy the conversations we have with them. It’s always such a joy to spend time with them. Here’s some cute photos from our lazy Saturday afternoon with the pups and some of our holiday decorations.

Santa Summer

Santa Summer

Lizzie trying to show her approval with a kiss, but it was so quick that it went with a blur...

Lizzie trying to show her approval with a kiss, but it was so quick that it went with a blur...

Summer warming herself by the fire

Summer warming herself by the fire

Holiday Decorating

Holiday Decorating

Its a lazy afternoon for Lizzie and her friend

It's a lazy afternoon for Lizzie and her friend

Dan and Summer hanging out

Dan and Summer hanging out

I’m off to a new week at work. Hopefully this one won’t be as stressful as last week. December is a stressful month in general, so I have come up with a plan to control my stress and anxiety.

  1. I will work out at least 5x a week
  2. I will spend time with God, praying, reading the word and journaling my thoughts every day
  3. I will give back at least once a week to someone in need without expecting anything in return
  4. I will attend yoga class at least once a week
  5. I will leave work at work, and remind myself that I do not get my identity solely through my career
  6. I will spend time with my husband and find ways to enrich our relationship

Everyone: Help hold me accountable to this!