
Well, even though Jeannett over at Life Rearranged isn’t posting this week, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted an Insta-Friday, and my iphone pics are dying to be seen, right? RIGHT.

So, here goes nothing.

Something that I failed to mention during my Chattanooga post, is that we got to have a wonderful date night during out trip.  We shared a bottle of Pinot Nior and had a yummy dinner on the Delta Queen overlooking the Tennessee river.  There wasn’t as much pizazz there and we had we thought there’d be (okay, it was just old people there), but it was still nice to catch up without the kiddos and get a little bitsy tipsy.

THE CUTEST little peek-a-boo in the world!

We ran into some neighbors at the mailboxes a week or so ago.  How happy would someone be to get cute little Henry as their package?

This is my husband’s fav gas station drink.  He claims he’s a republican, but from the likes of this drink, it seems that he’s got a little bit of a liberal/granola/peace-loving/boardline-OWS side to him. KIDDING. But perhaps I’ve rubbed off on him a teeny smidgen of a bit.

Parker got his silly side out while playing with his friends at the park on Monday.  Here he is being goofy with Logan, Cole, and Sunny.

Per usual, I made some baby food this week while Parker was in school and Mason was napping.  My sis-in-law Jenna gave us this Tupperware salsa maker a few years back, and although we loved it then, we use it even more now.  Now that Mason is chewing his food more ( guess that would be considered stage 3 or 4), we like to use this to make his food a bit more “chunky”.  I left the skins on the pears, cut them up, and brought to a boil.  Let boil for about 5 mins, and then threw into the salsa maker.  Result: nice chunky pears!

Logan and Parker… being the little goobers that they are… goofin’ around at the playground

My dinner last night… Salmon, brown rice with veggies, and steamed green beans.  Jealous?  Probably not, since it looks like something out of a health magazine.  It was really good though.  Too bad I messed up the “super healthy” part by devouring spoonfuls of dark chocolate almond spread later in the evening.  That stuff should be outlawed!

During Mason’s morning nap, Parker and I hung out back… and we were freeegin COLD.  Yuck!  I hate cold weather!  We’ll make the best of it though.  At least I get to wear boots and scarves.  Alas, I survive in the name of fashion.

How was your week?  Share your quirky iphone pics and blog about them!
life rearranged

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