Mason On The Move!

At eight months old, Mason has been exploring his world a little more the past week or so.  He started crawling!  In true Christiansen fashion, it is indeed an army crawl, just like his big bro did.  I’m not sure if he’ll start to incorporate a knee or two into the mix later, but he seems to be quite content letting his arms do most of the work.

I love this stage he’s in. He’s so curious, pleasant to be around and generally a happy baby. Of course, he thinks the world of Parker, even though Parker is going through a “everything is MINE” stage. He also really likes our dog Lizzie. He loves to giggle and coo whenever she gets near him. We also recently found out (by accident) that he really LOVES Elmo. I know right, what kid doesn’t? I thought maybe he was too young, but we caught him giggling up a storm when Parker was watching him while on vacation. It was pretty stinkin’ cute. I love that baby boy. He makes his Mama’s heart happy.

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